Why work with a
Business Energy Broker?

1. Knowledge.

Energy brokers have a deep understanding of the commercial energy business. We constantly monitor gas and electricity market prices, which enables us to help our clients make informed business energy buying decisions.

2. Independence.

A fundamental advantage of using a broker such as Sorola Energy is our impartiality. Because we work independently of all the UK business gas and electricity suppliers, our service is totally unbiased, meaning businesses get a better deal.

3. Competitive.

Using an energy broker like Sorola Energy encourages competition in the market, which can only be a good thing for businesses. Energy suppliers will offer better prices to brokers in comparison to those that they give directly to customers, predominantly because they know they must compete for the contracts. This competitive element brings down the suppliers’ profit margins, and in turn your business energy costs.

4. Energy Management.

We offer ongoing support and contract management which means that our clients are reminded well in advance of their contract renewal date, ensuring they won’t automatically roll over into a new contract.

Equally importantly, it gives our clients ample time to take advantage of any new business energy offers.

5. Strong Supplier Relationships.

Energy brokers build working relationships with all the key business electricity and gas suppliers, ensuring they can pass on extremely competitive prices, without compromising the quality of the energy service that clients receive.

6. Energy Industry Experience.

It’s important to source an energy broker that has operated in the utility industry for a considerable amount of time. Without long-standing experience and the supplier relationships that come with it, it’s harder for an energy broker to source the best business gas and electricity comparison deals.

7. A Holistic Service.

A broker’s job is not just about finding the best deals. It’s equally important to ensure that businesses are energy efficient. Sorola Energy can provide simple, step-by-step advice on reducing businesses’ energy consumption and in turn reducing utility bills. We can offer this service to suit all types of businesses, of any size and with any budget.

8. Group Purchasing.

This means brokers can set up and manage multi-site contracts. This simplifies and reduces business energy costs if a company is made up of multiple properties.

9. Flexible Buying.

Business energy brokers will help companies set up and manage flexible price energy purchasing. ‘Flexible Commercial Energy Procurement’ offers great freedom over their energy purchasing and is ideal for those businesses who don’t want their entire business energy purchasing decisions fixed all in one go.

10. Energy Suppliers Need Them.

Energy suppliers value the contribution of brokers to the industry, viewing them as an important channel to retail energy markets. Energy brokers’ retail presence means suppliers don’t need such large sales and marketing, saving them on sales staff wages and outbound marketing and advertising costs associated. In fact, energy brokers make up nearly 50% of some energy suppliers’ sales.


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